Spoiler free review: American Horror Story season 1

"I'd kill to live in this house, regardless of the history!"
Season one of American Horror Story tells the story of Ben, Vivian and Violet who move into a new house. This house has been on the market for a long time, because the previous owners were murdered here. But the problems they tried to leave behind don't seem to get any better. Vivians relationship with her husband has many problems and Violet tries to deal with her depression. When there are this many problems already it doesn't help when your house is haunted...
I really loved this show, I obviously heard a lot of things about ahs, but I wasn't really sure if it would be something for me. The show really was though. The story is very well told and I really love how all the characters are very well thought through. The plot line develops well and I really like how it deals with very everyday problems that people don't really like to talk about, like marriage problems and mental health issues. I think this show really showcases one side of these problems very well and I think in general this show is really awesome and creepy. If you have thought about watching it once I would highly recommend.


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