reasons winter is the best ❄️

Winter is my personal favorite season, but loads of people really don’t like it, so here are some reasons why you should love winter ❄️
First of all, can we talk about snow for a second. How can anyone not love snow, take a look at the picture above (I actually took that pic), it's so stunning. Next week I'll share some pics from my trip to Switzerland, but really if you don't love snow you have never seen good snow.
I am actually someone who loves the cold, because you don't sweat as much. No one loves sweating and when it's freaking cold you don't have to worry about this.
Sweaters, do I need to say more. Sweaters are freaking comfy and in summer you have to be very willing to suffer if you want to wear a sweater, but winter is so perfect for sweaters.
Christmas is my personal favorite holiday, but even id it isn't your favorite (which it should be) winter is the season for the holidays. So whatever holiday you celebrate winter is the time to be.
So there's probably a scientific reason for this, but since I don't know shit I'm gonna call it magic; sunsets always seem to be a lot better in winter, and I love myself some gorgeous sunsets so that's pretty dope.

So I think by now you should be convinced that winter is the best, or at least doesn't suck :)

xxx kim


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