spoiler free review: a skinful of shadows

"He was an ancient committee. A parliament of deathly rooks in a dying tree.”

makepeace has the ability to store souls in her own body and even though her mother tries to make her able to defend herself this seems to be a lot harder than expected. When makepeace stores the soul of something wild in her body this seems to cause quite a lot of trouble especially when she is send of to her fathers family who seem to be very fond of her abilities and try to keep her close to them. can she with the help of a new friend find a way to keep herself save..?

i absolutely love this book, it is so well written and the storyline is just absolutely amazing. the author has done an amazing job in portraying makepeace as a sweet girl who had to grow up so fast. the storyline with the soul housing is so original and really interesting. the book is quite thick, but so much happens and there really isnt a dull moment. i also love the time jumps, that way there just isnt a lot of useless information and there is enough room to tell the important part of the story. i love how all the characters have very specific traits and they all work perfectly together in creating an interesting story. 
with all of these elements combined this book will definitely be in my top 5 favorite books of the year!

would highly recommend (even just for the stunning cover)


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